
The liver performs numerous vital functions including filtering the body’s blood supply and – as a key organ of the immune and circulatory systems – contains numerous immune cells that defend the body against blood-borne pathogens and aid in wound healing.1,2,3,4 In addition, 肝脏是再生的, meaning it can replace damaged tissue by regrowing its existing tissue – up to two-thirds of its total size.5,6,7 The unique pathogen-clearing and wound-healing properties of the liver require that resident immune cells are often active and ready to protect the body from harm.3,4 作为保护身体能力的一部分, 肝免疫细胞通常也能够检测到异常的细胞, 在它们分裂并长成危险的肿瘤之前攻击并移除它们.3,8 This state of immune readiness is a critical way liver immune cells are able to rapidly respond to pathogens and injury.9


炎症是免疫系统对威胁的标准反应的自然组成部分.9 Ordinarily, 炎症是急性的, 或者短期的, 一旦病原体被清除或伤口愈合就会结束.9 但在某些情况下,炎症反应会持续存在.10 Liver damage from hepatitis virus infection or as a result of excessive and prolonged alcohol intake can lead to chronic inflammation that ultimately may interfere with the typical ability of liver immune cells to attack and remove abnormal cells.10,11 当免疫细胞以这种方式受到阻碍时,澳门葡京赌博游戏称之为免疫抑制.12 不幸的是,肝脏的免疫抑制甚至会在损伤期后持续.5 免疫细胞攻击和清除异常细胞的能力减弱, 肝脏中的细胞更容易癌变.11 Removing immunosuppression and restoring the ability of immune cells to attack and remove abnormal cells may be a key way to manage cancers that arise in the liver.11,13



几十年来,全球肝癌病例数持续上升.14 2020年,肝癌是所有癌症相关死亡的第三大常见原因.15* 肝细胞癌(HCC)是成人中最常见的肝癌, 约占所有原发性肝癌病例的75%.16,17


80%到90%的HCC病例是肝硬化的结果, 其中最常见的是乙型或丙型肝炎病毒感染.17 这些病毒分布广泛,难以控制, 特别是在世界上许多发展中国家, 使得减轻HCC的全球负担变得困难.18,19 世界上超过72%的HCC病例发生在这些病毒流行的亚洲.20-22 仅中国就占所有新诊断肝癌病例和死亡病例的一半以上, 尽管人口还不到世界的20%.23

Ongoing programs focused on prevention and screening of hepatitis are important to reduce the number of new HCC cases.17,18,19 However, there remains an urgent need for research that will provide more effective treatment options for patients with HCC than what is available today.24

Treating HCC

HCC筛查具有挑战性.25 虽然早期发现是目标, 大多数体征和症状出现在HCC晚期, 早期肿瘤通常很难在体检中发现.25 As such, 大多数患者在治疗选择有限的疾病晚期才被诊断出来.25

HCC是根据巴塞罗那临床肝癌(BCLC)系统进行分期的, 由于疾病阶段决定了患者可用的选择:26

Treatment for early stage (Stage 0 to A) disease and intermediate stage (Stage B) disease may involve:27,28

  • Surgery 切除肿瘤.

  • 肝脏移植手术 可能对一些早期疾病的患者有根治性治疗吗.

  • 热消融(也称为射频消融或微波治疗) 在疾病的早期阶段,利用热量摧毁病人体内的癌细胞.

  • 经动脉化疗栓塞,或TACE is used to treat early- and intermediate-stage tumours that cannot be treated with surgery or thermal ablation. 在手术过程中, 医生将化疗直接注入动脉, 然后阻断哪一个以增加肿瘤对药物的暴露.


  • 系统性治疗 is used in Stage B patients who are ineligible for other treatments or progressed on other therapies, 以及C期患者. There is a critical unmet medical need for new treatments that can treat patients with advanced stages of HCC. 正在进行的研究表明,免疫肿瘤疗法在这种具有挑战性的环境中显示出希望.

Our approach

Pioneering new research has deepened our understanding of the processes leading to the immunosuppression involved in liver cancer.13 Mounting evidence has shown that reversing immunosuppression may restore the ability of immune cells to attack and remove cancer cells, 可能减缓肿瘤生长或缩小的.30

逆转免疫抑制的治疗被称为免疫疗法, 现在有多种免疫疗法可能导致抗肿瘤活性.30,31 Our goal is to explore immunotherapy combinations for overcoming the drivers of immunosuppression involved in liver cancer, 目的是改善肝癌患者的生存状况.

这些努力继续建立在澳门葡京赌博游戏多样化的实践改变结果的基础上, 免疫肿瘤学临床方案在多个, 固体肿瘤, and we remain committed to harnessing the versatile power of immunotherapy and immunotherapy combinations to redefine cancer care.



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在澳门葡京网赌游戏, 澳门葡京赌博游戏以创新为动力,致力于为患者的生活带来真正的改变. 加入澳门葡京赌博游戏,帮助提供改变生活的药物. Be among our employees who continue to make us an innovation-driven company that stands firmly among the world’s leaders in biopharmaceuticals. 

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"I believe personalised healthcare is the future of medicine; it allows us to use the latest diagnostic science to target medicines to patients most likely to benefit." Ruth March,精密医学高级副总裁,R&D Oncology


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